Let’s kick things off with a quick farm lesson. Ever heard of a "freemartin"?
The term "freemartin" was first used to describe an usual twist of nature in cattle. It's when a cow’s pregnant with twins - one female, one male and early in gestation, their placentas fuse, and blood starts swapping between them. Hormones also mix with each other. The female gets flooded with male hormones, and while after birth she might look like a typical heifer on the outside, inside’s a different story. Her reproductive system never fully forms. Her ovaries and uterus are either stunted or missing and she’s born infertile.
So, why am I dragging you through the barnyard? Here is where things get crazy. What if I told you the sick elite have taken this anomaly and twisted it for their own games? That’s right. They’ve been mimicking it in humans, and they do this hormone injection on both male and female fetuses: males induced with female hormones and females induced with male hormones. The result is a female with masculine traits and males with feminine features.
And where do their favorite experiments play out? None other than Holly-weird of course. Next time you’re squinting at some celeb, and you have a gut feeling of something being off, you might be onto more than you think. Could Victoria’s Secret really be out of the bag? This gender-confusion agenda isn’t new. It’s been simmering for decades.
Still not convinced the devil’s knocking at our door? What will it take? We’re neck-deep in his Little Season, but the clock’s ticking. Every day more eyes open and the game starts to crumble.
Please say a prayer for this insane world.
Much love,